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Scott A. Bendell, Lic. Ac

My name is Scott Bendell, and I am an Acupuncturist with 22+ years experience and a passion for the Internal Martial Arts, Qigong/Neigong, and Meditation. I have had the privilege of studying under some of the best in the field, including the Grandmaster of the Primordial School of Longmen Pai in Mt. Qingcheng; Grandmaster Vellucci, founder of the Kobukan Karate Federation; and Mugen Roshi and Diana Daoshi, founders of the Kunlun System whom I still study with today. I've had many other teachers along the way that have inspired me greatly on my path towards self-discovery including Celtic Shaman Tira, and more. While I consider myself nothing more than a beginner, my passion for teaching has led me to want to share with others what I enjoy deeply inside.

​Best wishes

Wheresover you go, go with all your heart!
